If you notice your browser has slowed down you can vacuum the sqlite3 db's this seems to work for chrome/chromium to. As I noticed it had started to slow down so had a little poke to discover it also used a lot of sqlite db's so the code.
- Code:
for qf in $(for f in /home/$USER/.mozilla/*/*/*; do file "$f" | grep "SQLite" | cut -d":" -f1; done);do sqlite3 $qf 'VACUUM;'; done
For Chromium you may need to tweak the path if it is chrome, either you'll have a hidden(Something like .chrome) or it'll be in .config.
- Code:
for qf in $(for f in /home/$USER/.config/chromium/Default/*; do file "$f" | grep "SQLite" | cut -d":" -f1; done);do sqlite3 $qf 'VACUUM;'; done
Remember to close the browser in question otherwise it'll report locked db's